Equality & Diversity

1. Vision

Ascot Wholesale is committed to creating a culture in which diversity and equality of opportunity are actively promoted and discrimination of any kind is simply not tolerated. We recognise the business benefits of having a diverse community of employees and we place great value on their contribution. To this end, we foster and maintain an environment that encourages diversity and we are committed to treating our staff with respect and consideration.

2. Policy Statement

Ascot Wholesale believes in the principles of social justice, acknowledges that discrimination affects people in complex ways and is committed to challenge all forms of inequality. To this end, Ascot Wholesale will aim to ensure that:

  • individuals are treated fairly, with dignity and respect regardless of their age, marital status, disability, race, faith, gender, language, social / economical background or sexual orientation and any other inappropriate distinction;
  • it affords all individuals, and employees the opportunity to fulfil their potential;
  • it promotes an inclusive and supportive environment for employees, and visitors;
  • it recognises the varied contributions to the achievement of the Company’s mission made by individuals from diverse backgrounds and with a wide range of experiences.

3. Scope of the Policy

This policy applies to all employees and visitors to Ascot Wholesale, together with those contracted to work at or for the Company.

4. Aims of the Policy and underpinning principles

The aim of this policy is to ensure that in carrying out its activities, the Company will have due regard to:

  • promoting equality of opportunity across all the activities of the business
  • promoting good relations between people of a diverse background
  • eliminating unlawful discrimination

This policy is guided by the following principles, that:

  • all employees and visitors should enjoy a safe environment free from discrimination and harassment/bullying
  • all employees and customers should have equal access to quality services that are made available by the company
  • all employees should have equal access to opportunities for personal, or professional development and career progression and promotion opportunities
  • all employees should be able to participate fully in the work and life of the Company and celebrate its diversity
  • employees should reflect the diversity of talent, experience and skills from the local, national and international pool from which it draws its workforce
  • all relevant stakeholders, including employees and customers, have the right to be consulted about Ascot Wholesale policy, procedures and practices

5. Implementation of the Policy

The successful implementation of all strands of this policy relies on the mainstreaming of equality and diversity issues within the training process. This will be achieved through the implementation of Corporate Action Plans.

6. Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for ensuring the business meets its legal obligations in respect of legislation relating to equal opportunities. 

Managers are responsible for:

  • fostering a culture in which compliance with this policy is regarded as integral to the work of the area and in which equality and diversity issues are actively promoted;
  • producing and implementing area action plans;
  • ensuring employees are encouraged, supported and enabled to reach their full potential
  • identifying appropriate employees development for themselves and their employees to meet the needs of their respective areas
  • recruitment – selection of talented individuals reflective of customers and society in which we live

7. Breach of the Policy

Ascot Wholesale will take seriously any instances of non-adherence to the Equality and Diversity policy by employees or visitors. Any instances of non-adherence will be investigated and where appropriate will be considered under the relevant disciplinary procedure for employees. With regard to any breach of the policy by visitors, then Ascot Wholesale will take appropriate action in relation to the nature of the incident.

8. Monitoring and Review

The Directors will seek to access the impact of the policy on employees and customers to ensure that real improvements are being made in tackling discrimination and promoting diversity. The policy will be reviewed every two years.

9. Relevant Legislation

Ascot Wholesale will implement its Equality and Diversity Policy in accordance with current legislation and codes of practice including:

  • EU Anti-Discrimination Directives (which currently include the Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003, Religion and Belief Regulation 2003 and Sexual Orientation Regulation 2003
  • Sex discrimination (gender reassignment ) regulations 1999
  • Race Relations Amendment Act 2000
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Amendment Act 2005
  • Race Relations Act 1976
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and 1986
  • Equal Pay Act 1970 and Amendment 1983
  • Civil Partnerships Act 2004
  • Employment Equality (age Regulation 2006)
  • Employment Equality (sex discrimination) Regulations 2005
  • Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006